Adewale K. Ajao

Applied Behaviour Analyst
Brief info

Mr. Adewale Ajao is a B.Sc. (Ed) holder, a Certified Applied Behavior Analyst and a Verbal Behavior Expert. He got his training from Florida, USA. He is a model, a Founder and Managing Director of “Behavior Therapy company” (BRAE Therapi).

Mr. Adewale Ajao is a B.Sc. (Ed) holder, a Certified Applied Behavior Analyst and a Verbal Behavior Expert. He got his training from Florida, USA. He is a model, a Founder and Managing Director of “Behavior Therapy company” (BRAE Therapi). He has seen over 200 individuals with different cases regarding Rett syndrome, ADHD, ADD, Language delay, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Williams syndrome, Depression and many more.

He is proficient in assessing children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related disabilities by using standard assessment tools like; the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB- MAPP), Assessment of Basic Language and Learning skill (ABLLS) and other standard screening tools. He is well versed in the development of Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) and provision of intervention strategies.

He has attended and facilitated various workshops, training and seminars in Nigeria and beyond for teachers, parents and people interested in children living with autism and other related challenges

He also consults with parents, caregivers and schools. He helps with the design of an ABA learning environment for children on the spectrum. He runs an educative channel on YouTube to help parents and interested individuals understand the basics of dealing with special needs children.

He considers it his life’s purpose to help an individual with autism and other developmental delay reach their full potential by modifying their behavior, building their functional skill and developing their speech and language through ABA and verbal behavior.